
NIWA aims to provide the knowledge needed for the sound environmental management of our marine resources.

  • Keeping tabs on muddy waters

    Feature story
    Estuaries provide a crucial link between our rivers and our seas. Sam Fraser-Baxter heads out with a NIWA research team keeping a close eye on these vulnerable transition zones.
  • Norse goddess reveals seabed secrets

    Feature story
    A large, orange Scandinavian robot gives NIWA’s marine geologists an in-depth look at changes to the seafloor off Kaikōura.
  • A job for the buoys

    Feature story
    New Zealanders and Pacific Island communities are on their way to having the most advanced tsunami monitoring system in the world.
  • The future shape of water

    Feature story
    How much is too much? Susan Pepperell looks at some of the tough decisions looming around access to freshwater and how science is helping with solutions.
  • Message in a bottle: Glen Walker, bosun

    Glen Walker is the bosun aboard NIWA’s research vessel Tangaroa currently exploring the waters around Antarctica. His reading list is exclusively sea disaster stories.
  • Science update 3 from Richard O’Driscoll

    Day 20 and we are now more than halfway through the Ross Sea Life in a Changing Climate (ReLiCC) 2021 voyage on RV Tangaroa.
  • NIWA drones going where people can’t on the West Coast

    Feature story
    A team of scientists have been exploring some of New Zealand’s most remote and rugged coastal zones.
  • Scientist spots shark sperm storage strategy

    Feature story
    A NIWA researcher has found the first evidence that female deep sea sharks store sperm as a strategy to preserve the species and possibly avoid aggressive mating encounters.
  • NIWA science divers finish mud marathon

    Feature story
    Where there’s mud, there’s scientists. NIWA divers recently got down and dirty while completing a harbour-wide dive survey in the Wellington area.
  • Watch out for jellyfish blooms

    Feature story
    Jellyfish blooms are likely to be a common sight this summer with rising ocean temperatures one of the main causes of substantial population growths.
  • The science behind sediment cores

    How do humans impact shallow marine environments?
  • Scientists on the trail of elusive sperm whales

    Feature story
    Acoustic monitoring of sperm whales