• Antarctic toothfish stock assessment

    CCAMLR sets annual catch limits, using a stock assessment model.
  • The toothfish fishery

    Find out more about the toothfish fishery, including its history, catch, sea ice influences and fishery operational requirements.
  • Toothfish life history

    Find out about the biology of the Antarctic toothfish.
  • Management of Antarctic fisheries

    Find out more about fisheries in the Southern Ocean, New Zealand's role, and fisheries management.
  • Antarctic fisheries research

    Research Project
    NIWA’s Antarctic fisheries research is allowing us to investigate possible effects of the longline Antarctic toothfish fishery on the toothfish population and on the local ecosystem.
  • Massive icebergs threaten NIWA equipment

    Media release
    NIWA may lose valuable scientific equipment after two massive icebergs broke off the Antarctic coastline over the weekend.
  • What does NIWA actually do?

    What does NIWA do? The answer might surprise you.
    This video is an introduction to NIWA scientists and the wide range of work they do. Our staff work across freshwater,climate and ocean research platforms throughout New Zealand and the wider Pacific region.
  • Ross Sea fish surveys

    Research Project
    We don’t clearly understand the ecological effects of commerical toothfish fishing in the Ross Sea region. To improve our knowledge, we conducted a survey of demersal (bottom-dwelling) fish species on the Ross Sea slope - particularly grenadiers and icefish - during the 2015 Antarctic Ecosystems Voyage.
  • Researching NIWA’s Antarctic sea ice

  • ACRE Antarctica

    ACRE Antarctica is a project within the Deep South National Science Challenge.
  • Annual Climate Summary 2015

    The year 2015 was sunny for most of New Zealand, and drier than normal for some of the country.
  • (no image provided)

    Science in the coldest place on earth

    Feature story
    Carrying out scientific experiments in the coldest part of the world is tough — even tougher if you’re miles away from Scott Base in a shipping container. But one NIWA scientist insists it’s a lot of fun.