Dr Samik Datta

Population Modeller

  • 2.1 (Hons) M.Sci Natural Sciences (Maths with Chemistry), University of Durham, UK (2003 - 2007)<\li>
  • Ph.D. 'A mathematical analysis of marine size spectra', Department of Biology, University of York, UK (2008 - 2011)<\li>

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I am a senior scientist based at NIWA Wellington. I am also group manager for the Population Modelling team.

My area of focus is mathematical modelling and simulation of biological systems. This involves a combination of analytical mathematical methods and simulation-based studies. My experience lies largely in:

  • modelling marine ecosystems (particularly using size-based methods),
  • modelling the spread of infection and disease over space and time (epidemiology), and
  • fisheries analyses (e.g., characterisations, CPUE analyses, stock assessments).

My work covers a broad range of topics, including fisheries, spatial movement and invasions, future predictive modelling and management strategy comparisons.


My background is in mathematical modelling and simulation.

  • I completed my undergraduate Masters in Natural Sciences (Maths with Chemistry) at the University of Durham (UK). (2003 - 2007).
  • I completed my Ph.D. in the Biology Department at the University of York (UK), developing size-based models of marine ecosystems. (2008 - 2011).
  • I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Warwick, applying mathematics to the spread of infectious diseases (epidemiology), to predict how different infections transmit, and testing the effectiveness of different control strategies. This was applied to both honeybee diseases and human infections including human papillomavirus (HPV) and pertussis (whooping cough). (2011 - 2017)

I moved from the UK and started work at NIWA Wellington, in the Population Modelling team (previously Fisheries Modelling), in April 2017.

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