Water resources review

Water resources review (April - June)
River flows
River flows in winter 2005 were below normal throughout most of New Zealand, including the lowest winter flows on record for some rivers in Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago.

Water resources review (April - June)

River flows

River flows in winter 2005 were below normal throughout most of New Zealand, including the lowest winter flows on record for some rivers in Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago. Flows were close to normal, or slightly above normal, in parts of Bay of Plenty, Hawke’s Bay, Buller, and Southland.

[Water resources information provided by NIWA field teams, regional and district councils, and hydropower companies.]

Groundwater levels

Region Groundwater level status at end of May
North Island Low
East of North Island Average
West of North Island Low
North of South Island Average
East of South Island Low
South and west of South Island High

[Water resources information provided by NIWA field teams, regional and district councils, and hydropower companies.Groundwater information supplied by the Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences.]