NIWA Hydro Web Portal

NIWA's Hydro Web Portal provides river flow and water quality monitoring data from NIWA’s Benchmark river monitoring network.

NIWA's Hydro Web Portal provides data from NIWA’s Benchmark river monitoring network. 

This site allows users to visually inspect or export data and includes both provisional and quality checked records.

Go to the Hydro Web Portal

Data is graded following National Environmental Monitoring Standards (NEMS) guidelines. Approval codes are also included with level ’60 – Approved’ indicating data has been through standard NIWA check procedures.

NIWA makes no representations or warranties regarding data fitness for any purpose and will accept no responsibility for the consequence of its use.

Testing the flow-measurement equipment at the outlet: The weir on the left is hydraulically coupled to the stilling well (lid off) and water level sensor in the centre. The Neon (mounted on top) converts water level, from the sensor below it, to flow rate. It also provides feedback for the gate controller (not visible) and enables remote access via a cellular network.(Martin Robertson, NIWA)