
All NIWA research projects

  • Stream restoration for aquatic invertebrates

    Research Project
    Streams play a key role in the ecosystems of New Zealand’s unique landscape. They feed and link together freshwater sources, maintain good water quality and support habitats that sustain our biodiversity.
  • Restoring shellfish habitats in estuaries

    Research Project
    Changes to the local environment and over harvesting have damaged shellfish populations in many estuaries. These projects examine the most effective way to restore these habitats and allow healthy populations of shellfish to return.
  • Energy assessment for Totoya Island, Fiji

    Research Project
    NIWA worked with the community on the island of Totoya, in the Yasayasa Moala Island group in south-east Fiji to assess their energy security and energy related socio-economic opportunities.
  • Reintroducing giant kōkopu to Nukumea Stream

    Research Project
    The giant kōkopu is a native whitebait species considered rare and vulnerable. NIWA is working with Mahurangi Technical Institute and environmental consultancy Boffa Miskell to test the feasibility of reintroducing giant kōkopu to Nukumea Stream, north of Auckland.
  • Restoration of seagrass beds in Whangarei Harbour

    Research Project
    Seagrass beds form an important undersea habitat for small fish, seahorses and shellfish in New Zealand.
  • Valuing New Zealand's marine environment

    Research Project
    This unique project is the first systematic attempt to quantify and map environmental values of New Zealand's coastal marine ecosystem.
  • Predicting long-term sedimentation and heavy metal accumulation in estuaries

    Research Project
    NIWA has developed an Urban Stormwater Contaminant (USC) model to enable urban planners to predict sedimentation and heavy metal accumulation in estuaries and identify problem areas in order to target mitigation measures.
  • Effects of ocean acidification on plankton in New Zealand waters

    Research Project
    Our oceans are expected to become more acidic as carbon dioxide concentrations rise. This will likely have impacts on the plankton, which play a major role in ocean ecosystems and processes.
  • Contamination early-warning system for commercial shellfish harvest

    Research Project
    Contamination of shellfish by faecal microbes is a health hazard to the consumer and so is of particular concern to the commercial producer.
  • Plankton biodiversity in the Southern Ocean

    Research Project
    NIWA is conducting a five–year study to map changes in the distribution of plankton species in surface waters between New Zealand and the Ross Sea.
  • Predicting long-term contaminant accumulation in the central Waitemata and southeastern Manukau Harbours

    Research Project
    This project was undertaken for Auckland Regional Council to identify significant sources of contaminants in the central Waitemata and southeastern Manukau Harbours.
  • Tidal energy optimisation

    Research Project
    Understanding the complexity of tidal resources in New Zealand’s coastal waters and examining how extracting tidal energy would influence and be influenced by this variability.