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Publications related to this section.

Champion, P.; Rowe, D.; Smith, B.; Richardson, J.; Reeves, P. (2004). Identification guide: freshwater pests of New Zealand. NIWA Information Series No. 55. 92p.

Coffey, B.T.; Clayton, J.S. (1988). New Zealand Water Plants: A guide to plants found in New Zealand freshwaters. Ruakura Agriculture Centre, Hamilton.

Closs, G.; Deans, T.; Champion, P.; Hofstra, D. (2004). Aquatic invaders and pest species in lakes. Freshwaters of New Zealand. Chapter 27 in Harding, J.; Mosley, P.; Pearson, C.; Sorrell, B. (eds.) Freshwaters of New Zealand, NZ Hydrological Society & NZ Limnological Society, Caxton Press, Christchurch, 27.1-27.14.

de Winton, M.; Schwarz, A. (2004). Littoral algal and macrophyte communities. Chapter 24 In: Harding, J.; Mosely, P.; Pearson, C.; Sorrell, B. (eds), Freshwaters of New Zealand, New Zealand Hydrological Society and New Zealand Limnological Society, Caxton Press, Christchurch, 24.1-24.14.

Edwards, T. (2004). Freshwater aquatic plants. Alpha newsletter #123, The Royal Society of New Zealand.

Reeves, P.; Collier, K.; Suren, A. (2004). Aquatic and riparian vegetation of rivers and streams. Chapter 14 In: Freshwaters of New Zealand (Eds. P. Mosley and J. Harding), New Zealand Limnological Society and New Zealand Hydrological Society, Caxton Press Christchurch, 14.1-14.16.

Roy, B.; Popay, I.; Champion, P.D.; James, T.; Rahman, A.; 2004. An illustrated guide to common weeds of New Zealand. Second edition. New Zealand Plant Protection Society, Lincoln, Canterbury.

Sorrell, B.K.; Reeves, P.N.; Clarkson, B.R.; 2004. Wetland Management and Restoration. Chapter 40 14 In: Freshwaters of New Zealand (Eds. P. Mosley and J. Harding), New Zealand Limnological Society and New Zealand Hydrological Society, Caxton Press Christchurch, 40.1-40.12.

Invasive weed Lagarosiphon growing in Lake Tarawera. [Rohan Wells]