Case studies

Case studies were performed with numerous councils, and the results integrated throughout the Toolbox as well as being discussed briefly here.

Case studies were performed with numerous councils, and the results integrated throughout the Toolbox as well as being discussed briefly here.

The development of the tools for the Climate Change Impacts on Urban Infrastructure and the Built Environment Toolbox has been aided by work caried out with the assistance of these councils:

The following case studies were performed, with the results integrated throughout the Toolbox and briefly described in the case study reports shown here:


Model current and future flooding of the Buller River, taking into account high-tides, storm-tides and sea level rise; determine the resultant flood inundation in Westport; calculate the likely impacts on infrastructure and buildings in Westport using the RiskScape tool; apply a options screening tool and a rapid cost/benefit analysis tool to assess impacts and adaptation options; and demonstrate a detailed cost/benefit analysis on a specific building.

Current and future flooding of the Buller River


Produce storm-tide and high-tide water levels for the Avon/Heathcote Estuary and superimpose sea level rise projections on these water levels; model episodic and permanent inundation along the inner part of the Brighton Spit and assess the impacts on vulnerable buildings and infrastructure using the RiskScape tool; model the likely inundation of future Heathcote floods, taking into account sea level rise, and assess the impacts on vulnerable buildings and infrastructure using the RiskScape tool.

Storm-tide and high-tide water levels for the Avon/Heathcote Estuary

Inundation model of future Heathcote floods


Model current and future rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility; model current and future water supply and demand for Wellington City; demonstrate the inclusion of urban growth scenarios in RiskScape; and demonstrate an impacts evaluation tool (e.g. multi-criteria analysis).

Current and future rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility

Current and future water supply and demand model


Demonstrate current and planned usage of MfE climate change guidance material for stormwater infrastructure management by city councils; and test high temporal resolution regional climate model climate change projections of heavy rainfall in an existing wastewater pipe model.

Heavy rainfall in an existing wastewater pipe model 

Related links

Westport flooding in August 1970 (source: Buller District Council).
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    Sea level rise and coastal inundation mapping of the Avon-Heathcote Estuary, Christchurch

    Urban Infrastructure and the Built Environment Toolbox case study
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    Flood modelling of the Heathcote River, Christchurch

    Urban Infrastructure and the Built Environment Toolbox case study
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    Flood modelling of the Buller River, Westport

    Urban Infrastructure and the Built Environment Toolbox case study
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    Potable water supply and demand modelling, Wellington

    Urban Infrastructure and the Built Environment Toolbox case study
  • (no image provided)

    Rainfall-induced landslide hazard mapping, Wellington

    Urban Infrastructure and the Built Environment Toolbox case study
  • (no image provided)

    Wastewater modelling, Auckland

    The objectives of this case study were to provide an example of how a risk assessment of an urban drainage system can be undertaken using an existing operational model.